
Below you will find quotes about Sport.

I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.

We did not underestimate them. They were just so much better than we expected.

All I got from van Looy and his cronies was ridicule, not one piece of help or advice. They were very unfair, I was still just a naive young boy really. With Peugeot, and es[Simpson]pecially with Tom [Simpson], it was completely different.

It’s different from being 21 and you think there’s endless amount of opportunities. At 33, the ending is much, much closer.

When it’s hurting you that’s when you can make a difference.

Virenque is riding. He (Aldag, ed.) stands perfectly still. He stands still as a German tree in the Harz.

Age is not an obstacle. It is a limitation you impose on your mind.

I think it was a really bad team they had assembled. I could not see what the party monkey and the toad face would help John Faxe Jensen with.

Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.

Use your success, wealth and influence to put them in the best position to realize their own dreams and find their true purpose.

It’s not over until it’s over.

Your most difficult opponent is not the one facing you. Human nature, on the other hand, is.

Shut up legs

We had a good team on paper. Unfortunately, the game was played on grass.

A true master stands up when he cannot.

Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.

I’m as happy as I can get – meeen I’ve been happier.

I do not care if we lose every single match in the league as long as we win it

Brøndby is a good municipal brand. Now they just need to become a good football brand.

As long as I breathe, I attack.

Many of the greatest talents are allowed to sloppy for training, and when I see the youth national team play, it strikes me that many of them are very focused on their hairstyles or Italian hair bands.

I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have fear of failure. I have nights when I show up at the arena and I’m like, ‘My back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt. I don’t have it. I just want to chill.’ We all have self-doubt. You don’t deny it, but you also don’t capitulate to it. You embrace it.

One must have a big nose to be able to smell something.

I will not promise to make history. But nothing is impossible.

The top of it all is then, I really wished him (Solbakken, ed.) To get that victory goal made and piss on those farmers. And I want to be allowed to say “piss on those farmers” because those spectators do not deserve another name.